We started PU/PD when our daughter was 11 mo & it worked wonderfully. We were ecstatic to have her sleeping through the night - 7:30pm to 6:30am. Her naps were 9:30 & 2:30 for 1 hr & 1.5hr. We would put her in her crib, she would run around a little & then go to sleep. We were getting ready to start trying to leave the room & I was starting to sit on a rocking chair in the corner. Then last week things changed suddenly & we don't know what's happened. Almost every time she's put in her crib after her normal routine she gets hysterical. The first few days I tried calming her from her crib (words, patting her back, lying her back down), but she would get more & more upset. If it went on longer than an hour I would pick her up, but then have a really hard time settling her down even being held which has made me a little nervous to see her that upset. She definitely wants to be held & rocked to sleep, but I don't want to go down that slippery slope! The same week she also started getting up most mornings at 5:30 too. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!!