Food diary is a good idea. It will be a bit difficult to get dh on board, he`ll hate it but it has to be done :/
Is there any history of food intolerance or allergy in your family?
There is no food history of food intolerance in my side of the family, not sure about dh`s. My sister has sun allergy, she developed it a few years ago but that was after a day in Greece where she got sunburned big time. One of the doctors we saw a while back said it does not matter how she got it but that we have the genes.
Allergy tests are not 100 per cent reliable.
I know. Especially at this age, we are told that it`s very unlikely it will e accurate. I`m just hoping that we might get some direction. Feeling so useless now.
Is there something you suspect?
All kinds of things go trough my head. Gluten, tomatoes, peepers, food additives, soy, eggs...
She drinks soy milk sometimes, but I`m replacing it with oat and rice milk for now.
We do the BART (banana, applesauce, rice, toast) diet. Potatoes, apples, pretzels, polenta, pasta, meat (not a lot)...When she is fine, she eats everything that is non dairy.
We went to the doctor`s. She wanted to send V to infectious disease department but she did that the last time and they send her back to get a referral to children gastro department...I dont plan to drag her all over the hospital (the departments are all different buildings which make the hospital) all of us to get OT and upset. So I told that I want to do the stool sample tests because I know anywhere we go they`d want it done.
Grrrrr, it`s so exhausting and frustrating. It`s like being back at the begging with the dairy. They did all kinds of tests, they were all fine but she was obviously not fine. Last months was the same, all test was fine, she still has diarrhea.