Heya, sorry probably an obvious question, but do you try to wake her after one side of a feed? Catch her just as she's dropping off and sit her up to burp her or something? Or is she just completely impossible to wake once she's off? I'm afraid I only had this issue within the first couple of weeks (if that!) but I used to sit them up, perhaps do a quick top and tail with cotton wool and water (didn't bother with the bath until later
) between sides, then they were ready for the second side. So I'd end up with more A in between feeding rather than after, but it did mean they got some A before the next S and then they'd kind of get a second wind - I just had to make sure to put them down early enough so as not to get OT! That first milk can make them really sleepy, but if you're able to rouse her and get her to feed more then she may get an energy boost to stay awake a bit afterwards. You can also try switching sides when she's starting to drop off, to keep her interest, and then go back to the first side, etc, but burping could also help, especially if she's uncomfortable by the evening, she may have ended up gassy from not burping enough at feeds due to falling asleep??