So I think my days of enjoying Y time might be finally coming to a close
With help from here (as always), we capped DD's nap drastically when she was 22mo to one hour, this has worked fine until a couple of weeks ago.
Now we're getting messing about at nap time, so I know she's UT. However she does go to sleep eventually and is now very unhappy at being woken. I'm hesitant to push BT back too much later as I really quite enjoy my BW, DH and wine time in the evening!
. We are getting EW from 5.30am onwards where she's happy to play around in bed until I come and get her. Also some NW's every couple of days where she asks to go for a wee (she was DT potty trained a few weeks ago).
Routine was:
Wu 6.30
Nap 1-2
BT 7.30 asleep 8ish (has always taken 30mins doesn't matter what time BT is)
I know I've been luckily to keep the nap where it is so far so I was just wondering how late I can push the nap without it messing about with BT too much?
We've done NND's and she copes brilliantly but don't think it will be sustainable long term quite yet. She is a child that thrives on routine and very much doubt she'd fall asleep on the sofa as she's only ever done this once when very poorly. I think I'd have to put her to bed to get a nap. Would a 30mins nap at say 1.30-2pm be worth the bother if anyone has any experience? Or 2-2.30pm? I feel like it's all a guessing game so if anyone has any words of wisdom they'd be gratefully appreciated!
Oh forgot to mention, she is teething but doesn't seem to bother her this time?
Sorry this post turned out huge and I was only going to post a quick question, oops!