Hi Hun, have a look at this link it's got lots of good info re sleep training and choosing an appropriate method for your toddler!
Toddler Specific Sleep Training AdviceI think in all honestly you are her prop and when she falls asleep on you and you put her in bed asleep she wakes up wondering where you have gone. I would try and change things up a bit, maybe quick feed and a story in her room, then no more boob but into her own bed no laying on your bed.
If shes having a good diet she doesn't need that length of night feed, I'd personally be offering a sip of water from a cup or nothing at this age. How about starting with gradual withdrawal, so you sit right next to her crib reassuring her and just repeating its sleepy time now lay down etc or whatever phrase you use at bedtime. you will need to do this at every NW, it will be tough and she protest but she will get the idea of you stay consistant, your just teaching her a new skill. Every few nights you move further away...it will give u more in depth in that link Ive attached.
It is a tough age with teeth, sleep regressions etc but mummy needs sleep too