((Hugs)) you do sound exhausted
Tbh I wouldn't worry about BT being on the late side, you may just find that he does better on that with three naps whilst his A times are shorter, and as they extend he'll be more ready to drop that last CN. Also I'm thinking about the night feeds - if you feel that he's actually hungry then I'd be wanting to try to get more/longer feeds into the daytime. What's his feeding routine like during the day? IMO if he's having three naps and therefore a slightly longer day, you have more time to get those feeds in, what do you think? I'd tend to agree that you may as well continue to feed him before you go to bed, it's pretty common to be still having the dream feed at this age, and some will still need the two night feeds, but as I said, see if you can get him to feed more during the day. Would he take a bottle during the 2am feed from your DH? And perhaps offer him gradually less over time? Or as you say, just try going cold turkey, but he may have a rough night then if he was really hungry...