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Offline my_tribe

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HELP - Travel Recovery!
« on: October 30, 2015, 05:51:31 am »
Thank you for all your advise when we were traveling. She never fully adjusted to New York time but things did get better as the week went on. We just went with the flow and tried out best. Naps were easy while we were away is was the night time sleep that was so rough.

We've been home for a few day and now that we are home everything is way worse. She screams like crazy every time I lay her down to go to sleep either for a nap or bedtime and will only sleep when I'm holding her and even then she's not in a deep sleep. We are having tons of wakings once she is asleep too.

I think we are battling Jet Lag but also her sleeping in her own room and own bed again since she was in a pack and play in the room we were staying in.

Any advice would really help. We're desperate.

Offline cath~

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Re: HELP - Travel Recovery!
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2015, 22:32:58 pm »

Could you post what her routine was like before you were travelling and what the last couple of days have been like?

How did she used to settle for naps and BT? Independently?

Could she be OT? You might have to work on helping her to catch up for a bit if so.

How old is she?

Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get the whole picture :)
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

Offline my_tribe

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Re: HELP - Travel Recovery!
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2015, 17:11:21 pm »
I just saw your reply! Thank you!

She is 14 months. Before we left her routine was super consistent and she independently settled herself for the nap and bedtime. I would give a quick cuddle after a diaper change and lay her down and she would go to sleep on her own.

Her days looked like this:
Wake 7-8
Nap 12:30 (between 2-3 hours depending on the day)
Bed time between 7-7:30

We've been home for a week and a half now and I can't quite seem to figure out what she needs. We've seen improvement with night time sleep. She's been going to sleep fine by herself when we lay her down. Which is so great. She's also slept through the night a couple of times but it's still been all over the place. Naps during the day have been super rough The longest nap she has was an hour. The only way she will sleep longer is if we are in the car.

I've also wondered if it was teething and have her teething medicine but it has t seemed to make a difference

Every day has been super different. Some days we've tired on one nap and other two naps. I think she must be OT she normally get way more sleep than this. Poor thing!

Offline cath~

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Re: HELP - Travel Recovery!
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2015, 09:27:17 am »
Hi there,

That's great that her nights have improved.

Is she still having trouble settling for naps?  I wonder if it was OT related?  Now her nights have been better, have her naps improved?

What have her last few days looked like?  What's her mood after her nap and how is she at BT (exhausted or OK?)?

She was having super long naps before so maybe it's all just coincided with her needing a routine tweak, like a slightly longer morning A time?  What time have you been trying for a nap the last few days?
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old