Thanks! We used to be on your typical 4 hr EASY. WU at 7 eat, solids an hour later, sleep 1.5 to 2 hrs etc. no cat nap and BT 6:45 or 7. Day was good, night not so good, but okay enough to deal with... Now we are all over the place!!
Yesterday went like this:
WU: 6:50
E: 7 - BF was okay not great, don't think he had a full feed. Solids at around 8:15
S: 10-10:30
E: 10:45 - Had most of a 6 oz. bottle, Solids at 12:45 (just added this meal into day)
S: 1:30-2:25 - I don't think he fell asleep right away but he wasn't crying
E: 3 - Would not take bottle. Drank less than an oz. An hour later drank around 3 oz. Solids at around 5 then Bath etc.
E: 6:30 BF was so tired he fell asleep on me but I think he got a decent feed
Woke up at 10- BF and went back to sleep
Woke up at 12:30 - Did PU/PD he went back to sleep
Woke up at 4:30/5 nursed him (I know I should have done PU/PD again but was so tired... thought I'd work on one NW at a time, does that make sense? Or at this age do all at once?)
Woke up for the day at around 7:15ish refused to nurse. ate solids at 8:15, now it's 9:30 and he's in an overtired daze, won't nurse or sleep- seems like he's snapping out of it now and wants to play...
Thanks so much!!