Hi there! I'm so sorry you were somehow missed! To be totally honest, I see absolutely nothing wrong with what's happening so far. Unfortunately, lots of babies go through a period of sleep where they will only short nap, and there's literally nothing you can do to change that. Some babies do it around 3 -5 months, both my boys did it earlier, around 2-3 months. If you want to post your EASY, we can see if anything needs to be tweaked but it sounds like you're ok.
Regarding the NW's, I wouldn't suggest trying to wean your baby off NF's at this young age. If your baby is waking at night, she is likely hungry and you may find she sleeps better throughout the night if you feed her when he wakes. If she's just restless, i.e.: lots of snurfulling, moving around, grunting etc. sadly, some babies are just noisy sleepers. It doesn't seem to both them but man is it disruptive to our sleep!
Both my boys were also really efficient eaters but that didn't alter the EASY at all, it just meant we had more time to do stuff before it was nap time again! I hope this helps a bit.