My son will be 6 months old next week and I'm really struggling with his naps. I'm totally guilty of a lot of accidental parenting while he was colicky and suffering from bad reflux - I did anything I could to calm him and get him to sleep. He is finally over all that and is a happy boy but now we are trying to reverse all the sleep props/associations. He can successfully put himself to sleep thanks to PU/PD but his naps are 26 minutes every time! I've tried adjusting his A times, I've tried wake to sleep, I've tried soothing him back to sleep and nothing has worked! He wakes up screaming after the 26 minutes and I go to him to attempt PU/PD but he'll usually calm down once he sees me and will act drowsy but then just wants to play. I'll leave him in the crib and he'll just play with himself and not go back to sleep. But at the same time, I can't do PU/PD because he's not crying! I know he's not a short napper because he will sleep well over an hour if I hold him. Sometimes after he's awake in the crib for a bit he'll cry out because he gets tired so I'll go in and he'll get to his mantra cry, close his eyes and relax for a few seconds, then wake up and mantra cry for a second, close his eyes for a few seconds, wake up again... over and over again. He's done that for up to 45 minutes before! He's obviously tired but just can't get over that hump to get back to sleep! Any advice how I can help? It's so nice to have a happy baby now that colic is over, so I just hate to see him suffer and get so frustrated over his naps.