My 2.5 year old is a low sleep needs guy. He has not napped since he was 2. Since then his typical day is: W: 6.30/7 B: 6.30 which has been lovely:) He has been able to get out of his crib, open his door, and come see us in the morning. The getting out of crib thing has never caused issues for him/us safety wise however we will be transitioning to Big boy bed next week as it is time.
In the meantime (last 2 weeks), he has been waking up at night, yelling for me, and then needs to be put back to sleep. Sometimes this can take an hour or more:( If he doesn't wake at night, he wakes for the day at 5 or 5.30 (ugh!). We have tried 2-3 times to keep him up later thinking he was needing less sleep, but the results were the same ( well once he stayed in bed until 6, but had 2 wakings at night). I have also tried the reverse and put him to bed earlier at 6.15PM thinking he was super tired, but same results......
Am I missing something here? Anyone with advice, same situation?
I can handle wake up anytime after 6AM, but 5/5.30 is just TOO early. And going back to night wakings has taken a toll on us.
DD2 is 5.5 years old and sleeps more than this guys does!!