She has always been a short napper as long as I can remember anyway!
Turns out the feeding issue was the start of bronchiolitis
she was in hospital overnight Friday, no oxygen needed and managed smaller more frequent feeds so they let her home.
Since being home we have increased her to 3 hourly feeds and have more or less allowed her to go back to her more normal ish routine as she was being lifted at night to feed due to small amounts. She took a normal feed last night and slept til the usual 4 am feed, then coughing woke her at 7! So took a smaller feed and settled til 10 ish.
She has however been settling for naps around an hour and 20 after waking. I have been putting her on the sofa, so I can keep an eye on her while poorly, and tucking her in whilst still awake and smiley, telling her to have a lovely nap. She has been sleeping for about an hour and a half to and hour and 45 mins like this!!
I have just relocated her for this nap to her room with monitors on cos I don't like her napping on the sofa if I leave the room, safer with her monitor on.
Who knows, maybe it's cos she's not very well, or she may have turned the nap corner.
Watch this space. I hope for all our sakes it's the start of good napping x