Thanks, ladies! I need the moral support!
Mostly, she just cries at my breast.
Before surgery, I only had 2 chances to try to get her to latch and they were both unsuccessful. She was intubated for the surgery which created an oral aversion plus vocal cord parysis which affected/affects her swallow. 6 weeks ago, she was getting most of her feeds from a NG (feeding) tube and now she's taking it all by bottle, so we've come a long way. We've gotten her over her aversion and she happily takes a paci or bottle. And her vocal cords have done a lot of healing, but still are not 100%. However, she's moved away from the preemie nipples now, so she is coping with regular flow much better. We are using Avent Natural bottles and I am compressing her cheeks to help her learn the suck needed at the breast. And I'm using a nipple shield since she's used to the silicone. We've had random successes. A handful of times, she's latched on and nursed for a couple sucks to a few minutes. Last Friday was our biggest success - she took half her feed by breast and even dozed while she nursed. Since then, she pretty much hasn't latched on...
I think mostly she struggles with the flow. It's either too much or too slow. I also struggle to find good opportunities to get her to latch - she's either too hungry or not hungry or too tired, etc.