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Offline Lindsay27

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Just need some support
« on: December 14, 2015, 07:37:28 am »
Hi ladies :). This breastfeeding journey is a new one for me so I just need some support.  DD was born last Tuesday and we started to try to BF right away.  The first day we just focus on skin to skin contact and getting that oh-so-good colostrum into her.  We continued this the entire 2 days we were in hospital, however she had an awful time latching and IF she did latch she would quickly pop off and cry at the breast.  The day after she was born I decided to rent a hospital grade pump and would pump after every feed to help get my supply going since she was not staying on the breast.  I also met with a lactation consultant who said I had all the right equipment so to speak (breasts and nipples are good, no tongue tie on DD, great positioning etc) so to essentially keep trying, which I did.  A day later nothing much had changed, so I saw a consultant again and we tried using a shield with some success, however she was still not able to consistently latch/stay latched.  We had a few BFs that were good while in hospital, however we had to top up each feed with pumped milk and then formula.  Each feed I start by offering the breast, then move onto topping up if/when she doesn't latch.

The day after I came home I returned to the hospital to attend a BF clinic with an LC, but I don't feel like it really accomplished anything.  The answer I basically get is "you are doing everything right, there is no real reason she shouldn't be latching/stay latched".  Now that we've been home a few days she has grown to prefer the quickness of the bottle and I can't get her to latch at all.  The last time we had a successful BF was Friday.

So now at each feed I offer the breast, I express first to get the milk going so she doesn't have to work so hard for it, but she still won't latch.  We try this usually for 10-15mins but by the end of that she is so irate we stop (recommend by the LC because at this point she burns more calories by crying).  After this I give her a bottle of pumped milk, then top up with formula following that.  The problem is...this is such a time consuming process that can take over an hour.  With a 3yr old to look after as well this is just unsustainable. 

I want this to work so badly.  I cry and cry because for those very few times where we had a successful BF I loved every minute of it, and I want to experience that again.  The constant pumping to keep my supply going has just become so mechanical and not the bonding experience I wanted.  I don't really know what to do or where to go from here.  I am planning on seeing an LC again this week.

I am not necessarily looking for advice (but will take it if you have it!), just some support.  I am heartbroken and I may need to make a decision about whether or not to give this up if I can't resolve this with an LC (again!) because I can't sustain what I am currently doing.  I just feel like I've seen an LC 3 times now in the week since she's been born and we have gotten no where, and I'm frustrated.

Sorry this was so long!  Bless you if you got to the end of it!!

Offline weaver

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Re: Just need some support
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2015, 08:23:31 am »
Massive hugs, oh don't cry lovey. You're doing really well to have persisted this far.

Just quickly from me - is it possible DD has a pain/ache in her head or jaw from the birth? I had that with LO1 and we saw a cranio-sacral osteopath and he improved immediately. Might be worth trying.

Otherwise, have a look at the Jack Newman site, videos on newborn feeding, very informative and something might click with you.

Lastly, are you seeing the same LC? Do you have the option to see someone else who might see something different? Tongue tie presents in a lot of different ways, there's also lip tie. Might be worth contacting local La Leche League for support, they're great for emotional and practical bfing support.
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

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Re: Just need some support
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2015, 09:10:15 am »
Lots of hugs Lindsay!!

Have you tried biological nurturing? You can google for videos. Also you may want to try pacing the bottle so that the flow is similar to BF? Sorry can't link video on my phone now but can do so tomorrow.

I know it is hard but try to be relaxed when you offer the breast.. She will sense it if you are anxious.

I second pp for an osteopath. We saw a chiro when DD was 5 days old and it really helped.

You are doing amazing more (((hugs)))

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Re: Just need some support
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2015, 09:12:43 am »
Here to hold your hand!

We had trouble latching on one side, drove me crazy. So I expressed a bit and finger fed/cup fed and we persisted... And now we are feeding fine. Still takes up to an hour per feed though, just to help you with your expectations of bf.

I'd agree with Anne, check for ties again and keep offering. Maybe there is a teat you can use on the bottle to make her have to work more for the milk?
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Offline Bella89

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Re: Just need some support
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2015, 09:39:27 am »
Hugs Lindsay!
Lot's of good advice from girls above! If I may add something is undressing yourself from the waist up and covering with blanket. Also, throwing away pacifier if you use one.

Believe me, I know how it is, and how miserable you can feel when you want to give everything that you have the best to your child and he would not take it. BF is not an easy thing to learn and teach your baby. It is a nightmare for many of us at the beginning. It was for me: pain, sweat, tears, blood, and many feelings that I wish I can turn back now. Shield helped us, I was BF with it for 3 months although my LC warned me it is not a long term solution. I had no choice and after a while my DS understood that bare nipple is warmer and softer and better. I fought hard for BF, so I know what you feel.

I am here if you need anything. I think you have to remember not to stress out too much (easier said than done) and whatever you can do is the best you can do. Don't beat yourself up. 1ml of BM is better than no BM. If she will BF for 5 sec- that's wonderful. If you have time to extract some more-that's great! We all do what we can, and soon you will know again that this is planty :)

Offline eva026

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Re: Just need some support
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2015, 21:14:44 pm »
I BF with a shield for 1y. These days they are so thin and flexible that I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you need it to get her to BF then use it.
Have you tried the medela calma bottle? No milk comes out at all without active sucking.  It saved our BF because DD had a major bottle preference. There are others that work the same way but I can't remember the names.
You can also try nursing in the bath to get both of you calm and relaxed or co-sleeping for a while. Popping my nipple in DD's mouth (in our case with the shield on and milk expressed a little to not put her off) while she was still half asleep also helped.
If it makes you feel better, I think I cried through the first month of BF. It's HARD!
Holding your hand through this and sending hugs.

Offline Bella89

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Re: Just need some support
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2015, 21:29:23 pm »
Eva, sorry to ask you this here, but I had that Calma bottle and I didn't even use it once. It had a huge hole in the teat, and I literally sprinkled my DS face with milk. I wonder if I used it wrong:/ Did yours have that hole too?

Offline ENMS

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Re: Just need some support
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2015, 18:52:31 pm »
Here is a video on how to pace the bottle

Hope you're doing ok.

Offline weaver

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Re: Just need some support
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2015, 19:05:13 pm »
Yes, how are things Lindsay? ((Hugs))
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

Offline eva026

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Re: Just need some support
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2015, 19:25:32 pm »
Bella, it's def not supposed to do that. You must have had a defective one. The first one we got started doing that after a while and we got a new one which was fine till the end.

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: Just need some support
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2015, 20:58:54 pm »
Thanks for everyone's replies :) 

Our local health nurse called me so I've set up an appointment with another LC tomorrow and she is coming to my house.  The ones I was using previously were provided by the hospital, which is all fine and well...except it is about an hour away so kind of a pain to get there, pay $18 for parking etc.  DD had her 1-week doctor appointment today and was checking for tongue tie again but was given the all clear.  She really doesn't seem to have any issues in that department. 

Beyond that, I have already been undressing from the waist up for each feed to get the skin to skin contact.  Her bottles have newborn nipples so they can't get any slower (though I will look at that video Elise on how to pace the bottles).  I continue to try with and without the shield with no luck.  I usually spend at least 5mins before each feed expressing/bringing the milk down, but it doesn't make a difference.  I've even tried to pump for a few mins before a feed to really get things moving, but again no luck.  She will.not.latch. 

It just feels like this is slipping farther and farther away.  It's been days since she latched. DH is super supportive and helps when/where he can...and he tells me all the time that I'm doing a great job.  It just feels all so personal though.  You can't help but wonder what you are doing wrong and feeling guilty about not being able to give them what they need.  I wanted this so bad.  And I always wonder why this had to be so hard for me for both kids...why I couldn't just luck out with one of them!?  All my girlfriends were/are breastfeeding champs and I don't know why this works so easily for some but not for me, yk? I know it's hard and not easy for everyone, I do, but I feel like a crap mother to be honest.

I don't know.  I am going to see how tomorrow goes with the LC.  I know feeding is a time consuming process no matter how you do it, but the constant attempt to BF, failing, bottle feeding pumped milk, topping up with formula, then pumping...this routine every 3's utterly exhausting.  I am feeling pretty done with it all, this in between BF and bottle feeding.

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Re: Just need some support
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2015, 21:11:03 pm »
(((Hugs))) I hope the appt with the LC at home goes well - so much easier they can come to you.

Did they check for lip ties in addition to tongue tie?

Offline weaver

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Re: Just need some support
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2015, 21:48:27 pm »
Just to add to the list - probably doc already checked but if not - posterior tongue tie is often missed as are palate defects.

And LC might know of good osteopath with baby cranio experience.

You could start taking fenugreek to help with supply.

I can absolutely see how exhausted you must be, your experience is a zillion times harder than "just" bfing. You've already done so so well for her. Keep an open and heart on what's best for you all. You're an amazing mother ((hugs))

I don't know where you are in Canada but the International Bfing Centre (Jack Newman) clinic in Toronto does amazing work.

Here are some interesting thoughts from the LLL and from Jack Newman. HTH.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 21:53:57 pm by weaver »
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Just need some support
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2015, 07:57:54 am »
  You can't help but wonder what you are doing wrong and feeling guilty about not being able to give them what they need. 
Many many hugs lovely :-* you must be shattered and I totally get this feeling.  Just wanted you to know that however it feels right now, you are giving your kids EXACTLY what they need.  A loving Mum who wants the best for her children is such a precious gift to give them, and one that so many children in the world don't have :-* everything else is secondary, feeding included.  Here supporting you all the way in whichever decision you choose is right for you and your family xxx

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Re: Just need some support
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2015, 11:10:27 am »
Hugs Lindsay! And congratulations!!!!!
Bf was a big struggle for me too, and I hated, hated all the pumping + formula + bf battles, it's so utterly exhausting and disheartening you have my full full sympathy. I really hope this LC can help you. For me the twins latched ok but the constantness was just horrible so I couldn't onky bf, with ds1 there was some sort of a latch problem so I bf'ed him for only a week and then pumped+formula. In hindsight I wish I'd persevered more with him, but that's also with the realization that at that point he was my only child, when there's another child in the picture it is very different. Take care of yourself or allow yourself to be taken care of too, whatever you decide will be the best for you all at this season. Hugs!

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