Author Topic: Is bedtime too late??  (Read 1406 times)

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Offline twinmama2

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Is bedtime too late??
« on: January 02, 2016, 04:28:33 am »
I posted a while ago about my twin 2 year olds' (25months) sleep troubles but I can't find my previous post to add to right now.  We've been struggling with NW and bedtime battles for a few months now (since their little sister was born).  We've been doing gradual retreat at bedtime and we're making some progress very slowly.  NW have also improved in the last week or so (not sure why, but we won't complain!)
My question now is about bedtime.  We get them into bed around 7:30 but it takes them sooo long to fall asleep.  Sometimes L will be asleep by 8 (on a good night) but J always takes much longer.  It's usually closer to 9:00 when he falls asleep (tonight it was 9:30).  Are we putting them to bed too early?? We've always lived by the early bedtime, a little afraid of getting overtired boys with these late nights.
This is our EASY
Awake- usually between 6 and 7:30 (they've been sleeping later recently, I think because of the late bedtimes)
Nap- 12:30-2:00 (sometimes longer, but we usually cap it at 1 hour 45 min)
Bed- 7:30, but asleep much later.

Am I contributing to their rough bedtimes by putting them to bed too early so they're UT? Should we push bedtime later? How late? Cap the naps even shorter to preserve an early bedtime?

Thank you so much!

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Re: Is bedtime too late??
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2016, 14:17:06 pm »
Tbh I'd be capping that nap a bit more. Do they nap in the same room? I just ask because I wonder if J needs it capped shorter than L?

Offline twinmama2

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Re: Is bedtime too late??
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2016, 19:47:51 pm »
They do share a room but I may be able to wake J without disturbing L. How short do you think we should we go for the nap? An hour?

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Re: Is bedtime too late??
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2016, 20:20:04 pm »
Well I tend to be really chicken about these things :P so I'd take it quite slowly, say, shave off 15mins from what they're currently doing and see what happens, then repeat... But if you want to go more quickly, I wouldn't go less than an hour just yet.

On the other hand, one thing I noticed with DS especially was that if I put him down too early, he'd mess about a lot longer and end up falling asleep much later - even putting him down just 15mins later could result in him actually falling asleep half an hour earlier than before, if that makes sense? Tbh I suggested capping the nap because I read the routine as up at 6am and asleep at 9:30pm, which makes for a pretty short night - but if it's usually more like up at 7:30am, nap for 1.5h and asleep by 9pm at the latest, having played around for 1.5h, then it's possible you could end up with a longer night by putting them down at 8pm rather than 7:30pm, iyswim? Do you feel that they prefer a longer or shorter night? Are they rubbing eyes like crazy in the morning or do they seem like they've had all the sleep they need?