Author Topic: Hungry baby  (Read 1511 times)

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Offline ewabear

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Hungry baby
« on: January 08, 2016, 18:27:56 pm »
My DD is 2,5 week old now, born via cesar at 37 weeks. Her birth weight was very low (2570) and dropped to 2400. She breasfed pretty much straight away after birth, few problems with attachement, no problems with supply. Because she was so little, ( still is) she is not an efficient feeder and tend to fall asleep easly when breastfed. That's why I also express after every feed and supplement her with it, she takes from 60-80 ml. The problem is that feeding sessions are stretching to 1,5 hours because she is being put at breast for 15 min each breadt, then gets extra milk, fusses a lot for a while and wants more milk, and then again fusses and wants more milk. Yes you can say why don't you give her more milk in the first place, well she cannot take any more straight away and looks pretty stuffed and full, but 20 min later is ok with more. My supply is ok, but Im struggling during the night when supply is not great and she keeps asking for more.

Offline becj86

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Re: Hungry baby
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2016, 20:40:04 pm »
Hugs xx

I wonder if given her size you'd give her smaller feeds more regularly rather than one long feed, so say put her to the breast, then give her another feed an hour later or even do a dreamfeed type thing with the expressed milk while she's napping?

Have you looked into reflux? She was small and reasonably early, so its a strong possibility and could be the reason she's wanting milk so much. Painful Feeds: Gastric Distress   -  Wind, Reflux, Colic  Reflux 101 - General reflux information

How are her poos?
How is her sleep?
Was she in hospital for a time before coming home?

Have you tried breast compressions to help her transfer the milk when she's at the breast? It sounds like you've a pretty good, maybe even oversupply If you're giving 60-80ml supplement at each feed, it just might be worth thinking how much she's getting from the bottle through the day and maybe trying to find out how much she's getting from the breast.