I wish I did lol. Bedtime was a nightmare, worse so far I think. I know she is ot from a day of rubbish naps. After the ok morning nap. She then had a usual 30-40 mins in the sling as we were out at the stables. She then refused to resettle despite her trying. I ended up lying with her at home and she slept for 30 mins again, but was due a feed then so I didn't try to resettle, this happens a lot if we go out. She then had her usual cat nap, but because of ot, she wakes up unhappy from this and is grumpy til bedtime, hence the nightmare!
After 3 attempts to put her down we ended up leaving her to cry it out, something I thought I'd never do. Hubby went in after a few mins to reassure and then came away. She settled herself within 15 mins. I think my Co sleeping is making her.mire clingy to me and although this is easy for managing my anxiety, it's not good long term so hubby and I have decided to do some gentle nap training as of tomorrow. She can self settle, is a very good thumb sucker, she just needs guiding back there I guess.