Thanks everyone! I ended up doing just the milk habit. She doesn't seem to know how to fall asleep at night time without just having milk, so I was hoping just one at a time would make it easier for me to focus in the middle of the night when I wanted to cave. I need more help now! She did alright during the few nights, and I was feeling positive about it all, her sleeping from 730 to 4 by the end without a wake up, and the wake ups got shorter and shorter. Then, two nights ago, she got horribly worse! Not for milk, but just waking up way more. Sunday night, (the forth night)--- (i'm going to make a new post to ask for help so it is more easily seen!)
thanks everyone! One hurdle, always more. Oh, and I just found out I'm pregnant, so I'm desperate to fix this. I can't be taking care of two sleep issues!