J is still swaddled tightly with 2 blankets - think miracle blanket style but with a muslin plus a velcro swaddle. She really needs to be swaddled to sleep. She spent nearly her entire first month of life swaddled. Could be crying hysterically, then instantly calmed by swaddle alone. Problem is, I've caught her trying to roll in her swaddle and I know that's not safe... DD1 needed the swaddle too and we didn't ditch it until really old - probably 7 months and had no issues. I didn't realize at the time it wasn't safe but she also didn't try to roll around in it.
I'm trying to think of gradual ways to wean it... I tried one arm out but that was way too much too soon. I have a zippadee zip. Again, too much too soon. I've tried not using the muslin and only the velcro. This is going OK for naps, but for night sleep she can't handle it. It's ridiculous, really.
Any clever ideas?