Author Topic: Slept through for 3 days and then stopped?  (Read 1417 times)

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Offline Aria2010

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Slept through for 3 days and then stopped?
« on: February 14, 2016, 07:42:40 am »
My lo is 6.5 months old. He is BF and I've started him in solids (just 3 small meals a day). He's on the 4 hour EASY and it's going well (since I started following it properly!). So last week I put him in his room on his own for the first time and he slept through the night 12 hours without waking, he then did this again for the second and third night. Prior to this he'd wake once a night for a feed. The first and second night I woke up really uncomfortable around 5am with engorged breasts but by the third night they were a bit more comfortable and I managed to get my first full nights sleep! Bliss! Well on the fourth night he woke up at 4am. I tried to settle him and he wouldn't so I fed him. He went straight back to sleep after so am pretty sure he was hungry. Since then he's woken every night once to feed again. I don't mind really because once a night isn't bad but I'm confused as to why he slept through those 3 nights and then stopped? I'm worried my supply took a big dip and he's getting less in the day. Could this be the reason? Any ideas?

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Slept through for 3 days and then stopped?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2016, 16:08:48 pm »
Did you just start solids? Not that waking for one feed is unusual or anything (in fact I would still expect it for an ebf baby at this age and it is prime growth spurt time too!) but I am wondering if haing 3 solids meals a day is taking a bit from his milk feeds.  We didn't get to the point of having thee meals until the 8th month or so.

Offline Aria2010

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Re: Slept through for 3 days and then stopped?
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2016, 08:10:56 am »
Thanks for the reply! Yes he's only just start solids two weeks ago. We offer him a bit of food 3 times a day but he mostly only has a couple of mouthfuls and sometimes none at all. In the baby whisperer book it said to give 3 meals a day - have I done that too soon? I always feed him from my breast first before giving food but suppose he could be drinking less?

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Slept through for 3 days and then stopped?
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2016, 14:13:41 pm »
Some of the info on feeding in the book can be outdated - I don't have my copy on hand to read about solids rec's in it. Before 1 year milk (either bm or formula) should be the main nutrition source and solids just alongisde as more of a fun thing to learn about eating and new textures. Rec's differ in different places too though, that is for here (Canada). Of course you may also have a lo who loves their food and is fine with it, just something to consider yk?