Author Topic: New wake up time is 5.30. Prior to PU/PD wake up time was 6.30am.  (Read 1228 times)

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Offline StillMe

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12.5 month old has been on a 2 nap a day routine for a couple of months though has never settled on his own.  2 weeks ago we started PU / PD which has worked really well and for most naps and night sleep he's going to sleep in about 15 min with a bit of a grizzle but already not needing much intervention.

We've also dropped night breast feeds at the same time very successfully.

The only problem is that his usual natural wake up time of 6.30am seems to have pushed forward and he's now waking at 5.30am most mornings. I've done PU / PD through an hour of screaming but he doesn't go back to sleep. Then it's time to get him up.

Prior to PU / PD it could take an hour or more to get him to sleep so his bedtime has moved forward now.  He's usually asleep by 7.30 sometimes earlier.

Once he's up he's not desperate to feed and breakfast is around 7.15 (he has to take medication first then wait before meal).

So any ideas why he's changed his wake up time?  Perhaps he doesn't need the full 11.5hrs overnight so he's waking up earlier because he's going to sleep earlier?  His whole routine times have slipped back an hour ie morning nap now about 8.30 when it was 9.30 before .

And what should I be doing when it's time to wake up but he hasn't gone back to sleep?

Thanks in advance!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: New wake up time is 5.30. Prior to PU/PD wake up time was 6.30am.
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2016, 05:25:49 am »
I imagine he is ready to transition to one nap now...what times and for how long is he napping currently? I wonder if self settling gets even smoother if his routine is tweaked a bit.

Offline StillMe

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Re: New wake up time is 5.30. Prior to PU/PD wake up time was 6.30am.
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2016, 08:30:15 am »
Thanks but he's no where near dropping to 1 nap.  The latest he manages in the morning is 9.30 then 2.30 in the afternoon.  Both for about 1.25 hrs each.

Offline sunflower321

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Re: New wake up time is 5.30. Prior to PU/PD wake up time was 6.30am.
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2016, 08:47:18 am »
I would guess he's starting the 2-1 transition now too. My dd1 had very hsn but she still started the transition at about 12 months with night sleep suffering. I didn't do the one nap til 14 months but looking back she probably should have gone earlier. But like you I found it hard to get her through the morning. With him waking at 5.30 it's even harder for you. But I'd say his ew is connected with that. I think nw and ew happens at this age until they're properly established on one nap.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: New wake up time is 5.30. Prior to PU/PD wake up time was 6.30am.
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2016, 14:05:58 pm »
Oh he may not be quite ready for one nap just yet, but it is highly likely that he needs a tweak to start in that direction as ew is one of the signs: From 2 to 1 nap transition (10-12m and older)

That link lays out how you can go about getting to one nap and thensigns that they may be ready.