Ok, so this is my 3rd baby, and yet again, I am not sure where to begin, it seems as though things are not going well for us! J is 5 months old and we have been on a routine since day one. He has rarely been difficult to settle, but loves his pacifier. On occasion, he will fall asleep without it, but he usually uses it for a bit while winding down and then in the crib to fall asleep. We are currently fighting 2 challenges. First, 45 minute naps. Wow, they are getting old. We've had them for a few months now. I have tried increasing A time, but now I think he might be OT? I don't know! Second, because of the 45 minute naps, the day ends up coming to a crashing end around 6:15. This isn't terrible, but I have 2 other kids and dinner on the table. It would be great if he could wait until 7! Plus, he's still not sleeping through the night. I am tired and feel like my brain isn't rested enough to come up with a sensible solution!
So, here's a typical day:
5:15 Wake (nightwaking)
I feed him back to sleep in bed with me. We live in a teeny house and I CANNOT have the 5 year old and 3 year old up at this time too. Which is what happens if I do anything other than feed. Plus, he is hungry!
6:30-7:00 Wake
7:00 Feed
8:30-8:45 Down for nap (we are currently aiming for 2-2.25 hrs A time)
9:30 Wake (45 after he goes to sleep)
10:00 Feed
11:45-12:00 Down for nap, sleep
Wake 12:30-12:45 (45 after going to sleep)
Feed 1:00
Sleep 2:00 ish (it really doesn't matter, because by now, he is tired but will only sleep 45 minutes still)
Wake and eat sometime around 3-4
No nap between the last wake and bed. (honestly, I am just done at this point each day, plus the other kids have activities that take us out of the house and he doesn't sleep in the car or carrier...
E- 6:00 before passing out for bed around 6:30
He usually wakes around 10, 2, and then 5.
I am exhausted. He is on the same schedule he has been since about 4 weeks.
We've tried not feeding at night. It is awful. I can't wake the other kids with his crying, which gets loud quickly if he isn't fed.
Any thoughts??? I know quite a few things should change, but I'm not sure how to go about it!