Quick question: My DS is currently teething badly his top two teeth. His night sleep is still pretty good considering. However, yesterday he wanted his afternoon nap a half hour early and slept well then still went to bed beautifully and had a decent night with the exception of 3 NW to nurse (I let him since he is in notable pain). Anyways, today I did the normal first A time where I medicated him with Camila and teething gel since he was crying his pain cry for a good half hour...poor baby. He went down at 11:30, woke up to nurse around 12:15, and fell right to sleep again! I didn't have the heart to wake him since the only reason he woke up was because I made noise. He slept for about 2.5 hours. What do I do for the second nap? I am thinking of capping to a half hour to at least get to a BT of 8:30-8:45 pm (Usually bedtime is 7-7:30.
Does that sound ok? This is new territory as the with his bottom teeth he wouldn't really nap and nighttime was constant NW.
Thank you!