Author Topic: Introducing solids, atopical dermatitis  (Read 4190 times)

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Offline Katrix

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Introducing solids, atopical dermatitis
« on: March 16, 2016, 17:23:46 pm »
My little girl is 4 months now. I have severe atopic dermatitis and I am allergic to all sorts of food, animals, mold (so penicillin as well) and a bunch of other stuff I probably don't even know about.
My husband is allergic to pollen.
So naturally we were aware that she might develop an allergy or atopical skin.
She had a rash in her 12 week wich I immediately recognized as atopic one and managed it with Elocom. I look after her skin like I do with mine as she has dry patches.
She is breastfed and I avoid all dairy and other hasardus foods.

My questions are:
When would be a good time to start introducing solids?
Is there a different approach to the feeding scheme with potentially allergic babies? I consider the classical one being one new food per week, with the amount increasing each day.

Thanks in advance
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 17:26:21 pm by Katrix »

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Introducing solids, atopical dermatitis
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2016, 17:35:23 pm »
Not sure about your country's recommendations but here it is to intro solids at 6 months of age or when your child can sit up unassisted, have lost the tongue reflex (ie when they automatically push food out) and are interested in eating. Between having DD2 and DD3 (5 year gap) they have changed allergy recs for infant feeding - here we are to offer every food (except ones that are a choking hazard and things like honey!) from the get go (we have a huge histoy of allergies on both sides as well as ashma and ezcema and the recs were the same regardless). Waiting a few days between trying new foods is the only similar thing, just to make it easier to narrow down if there is a reaction -  but keep in mind that an allergy can develop at any time, even to a food that has been fed previously and was fine.

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Re: Introducing solids, atopical dermatitis
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2016, 18:01:39 pm »
Just to add to what Heidi has said.  Some foods can cause difficulty (not allergy) by eating them on their own for a week, or even a few days.
My DS would have become badly constipated if he had eaten carrots on their own or for several days. He has no allergies or intolerances but I know the constipating effect on him and always served a prune on the same day as carrot or if I knew his poo was a bit too firm I didn't serve carrots at all for several days running until things were moving well again.  on the flip side, prunes have a laxative effect so I wouldn't have served just prunes every day for a week either, it would have had quite an effect if I had.
I'd consider a food diary more useful than trialling one food every week.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Introducing solids, atopical dermatitis
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2016, 18:32:15 pm »
I totally agree creations - but I guess I should have specified that what they mean in our recs is 2-3 days between new foods but to keep feeding the ones you know are okay during that time as well. Of course with the very first few foods that is a bit harder to do! But tbh with a true allergy you would see a reaction happen quite quickly. If it was more of an intolerance you would get less immediate symptoms of course. A food diary is an excelent idea!

Offline Katrix

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Re: Introducing solids, atopical dermatitis
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2016, 13:48:20 pm »
Thanks a lot, ladies.
Much appreciated.