Author Topic: Fidgeting wake ups  (Read 3676 times)

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Re: Fidgeting wake ups
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2016, 08:17:30 am »
Hi sorry For the late reply.  I had all my easy schedule written down on my phone but it's completely wiped.
So I'll have to go back to the good old fashion way and hand write it and then out it in here.

Just to keep you in the loop whilst I collect a couple of days worth of easy.  Sleep no better at night, although last night she had a 3hr a time before bed was knackered and did fall asleep on the bottle, I couldn't do anything. She slept from 6.30 until 10.20.  Which was good. 

Naps I'm struggling with, I can't seem to get her to have long if at all.  Morning nap goes down normally for 20/30 mins unless I can get back to her and pat or hold her chest.  I then have to stay with her until I get her passed the hour mark then she'll sleep for another 30 mins (1.5hr total on a good day).  The next nap is the nightmare and when she does drop off 1/2 he max 1 hr.  Then occasionally I get her to have a cat nap 30 mins /45 mins (ap, will not go down else, will cry and cry passed the 45 min mark).

I'm not sure if I've made myself a prop.  Especially at night, she'll sleep with my hand on her and even for max of 30 mins with it removed but the min I go to bed with 10 mins she's awake again.  I was thinking maybe I should try pu/pd instead off shh/pat.  She's 6 months old now 26 weeks. Should I pu/pd at nap time?

I've also borrowed the baby whisperer book solve all your problems from the library.  So I can have a good read as flicking between pages on here I forget things and then can't find them
Again to refer back to. Lol.

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Re: Fidgeting wake ups
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2016, 18:48:03 pm »
Hi there, how annoying about losing all those easy records!

It will help to see your routine, since many sleep issues are really routine issues. However, it is possible that your hand could be a prop. What happens if you try removing your hand before she actually falls asleep? Or, removing it gradually during light sleep so that she's kind of aware of it happening, and then doing it earlier and earlier over time? Eventually, you're aiming for a situation where you can use your hand to calm her but she actually falls asleep without it. You may find she cries and you have to replace your hand if she can't then settle herself, but keep trying until she learns how to settle without your hand there. Yes, PUPD is an option if this doesn't work, but I'd try this 'gradual withdrawal' first if you can.

I'm sure the bwsayp from the library will help to clarify a lot of things - there's so much information there :)

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Re: Fidgeting wake ups
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2016, 03:59:40 am »
Well what a nightmare last few days have been.  My 4 yr dd has a chest infection and ear infection so has been feeling rotten.  So no sleep training last few nights plus dd2 I think is also uncomfortable too with cold.

So a few days before the illnesses set in
7am -wu
7.30 - bottle 6oz and porridge
9.15 pd (extended it a little as she's wide awake at 2 he mark or before and just plays. Sleep 9.20
9.45 wu (pat back off to sleep in 5 mins but every time I stop patting or remove my hand she wakes
10am wake up bright as a button no responding to pat thinks it's playtime
10.45am try to put down again, again she thinks it's playtime keep trying until 11.15
11.30 bottle 6oz
1.30 pd to sleep 1.35 asleep wake up 2pm pat give up at 2.30 have to collect dd1 from preschool.
3.30 bottle 6oz
4pm pd  to sleep cry cry and cry so end up ap as she will not go down in her cot.
4.30 sleep until 5pm
5pm - solid - little mash or carrot
6pm bath
6.30 bottle 7oz
7pm take her up pat to sleep 20/30mins
Wu 8pm pat back to sleep with dummy
9.30/10pm wu screaming do 7oz bottle
Sleep until about 11.30pm wake up
Then for the rest of the night wake up anything from every half hour to hour
1am bottle 6oz
2am wu/have to sit with her every time I go back to bed she's awake within 10 mins.
3.30 with snd playtime
4am ap in arms can't put down as keeps waking so sleeps on my in chair until 6.30/7am.

I can't get the naps sorted she struggles now with any nap.  Cat nap I struggle to get her to sleep at night and makes no difference to wakings.

I really don't know what else to do.  I left her this morning when she woke st 3.15 as she was just playing hoping she'd go back to sleep but in the end she just got loader snd I went in patted no lunch eyes wide open playing. Eventually so in arms 4.30. 5am still in my arms.

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Re: Fidgeting wake ups
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2016, 18:01:22 pm »
Oh (((hugs))) you have had a rough time :-\ Hope DD1 is feeling better soon :-*

My gut feeling is that you're in a bit of a UT/OT cycle - maybe UT for that first nap, and then getting more and more OT throughout the day - does that fit with what you're seeing? How about pushing that first A further, see if you can get a longer first nap? If she still short naps and doesn't resettle, I'd give her longer up before attempting the next PD - probably anywhere between 1.5h and 2h, maybe closer to 2h since she seems to struggle more with UT than OT? At least then if she still wakes early due to OT, there's more chance of a resettle. The A to BT may be an exception, some LOs need a really short A after the late afternoon CN, especially if previous naps weren't so good.