Hello! My LO is 9 mo and is settled into a fairly good routine - first nap is still kinda short (30/40 min) but it seems to be enough for him, and started to get a regular 1,5-2 hrs nap in the afternoon. Also he recently accomplished good self-settling skills (we're still in the room but often don't need to touch him or shush him) and transitioning between sleep cicles without help. He STTN a handful of times, but mostly will take one BF with no regular time so I think he's actually hungry or thirsty. Will generally go back off to sleep peacefully after that.
In the last 2-3 weeks it happened that, if he wakes and cannot resettle by himself, when I go in to comfort him he starts crying louder and WILL NOT STOP unless I BF him. Even if I pick him up, rock him, cuddle him, shush him, sing to him...nothing works. He arches back and shrieks loudly like he's in pain, but as soon as he gets the breast he stops and generally goes back to sleep. Last night I sat with him for over 90 minutes trying to calm him down without feeding (it had only been 3.5 hrs since dinner so not hungry), with no success. I am not against night feedings, but I would like to not use BF as a method to calm him and put him back to sleep. This happened without a specific pattern (one night he'd be up an hour like that, the next night he will not even wake once). Sometimes my husband takes over and he calms right down. My LO usually accepts a pacifier to go off to sleep or resettle, but in these circumstances he will grab it and throw it back at us or out of the crib, seems very angry. Any advice? Thank you!