Thanks both. I do BT feed early as part of BT routine. With a 6.30pm feed, she would usually then not need a feed until 10.30 or so (I don't DF as she wakes for a feed around then) but on 2 nap days she wakes earlier - anytime from 8.30 onwards. I am trying not to feed before 10.30 but make it 10pm on 2 nap & EBT days as I have usually been resettling for at least an hour by then. Maybe I should just feed her when she wakes but her nights are not great at best of times and I'm trying to stop night snacking & reduce night feeds. If I feed at 9pm she tends to wake more often, feed more and then eat less in the morning.
Looking forward to getting through the 3-2. It feels like she's often OT or UT at the moment as she alternates 2 & 3 nap days. She SS to sleep at night, has started solids so I'm hoping getting through the 3-2 might reduce NWs... But then will need to wean off night feeds too probably. Always something else to get through! Sorry for rambling, thanks for your input xxx