We seem to have taken a backward step over the past couple of weeks as he was pretty much going from his dream feed at 10.30 until around 4, then had a feed and back til 6.30/7.
Over the last week or so he has been waking around the 2.30am and then again at 5-5.30. He takes a full bottle at 2.30 and but sometimes refuses the bottle at 5 but is very difficult to settle. However today he woke up at 1.00 so bit even 3 hours since last bottle but he took the whole lot.
He was on 6oz but 2 days ago put him up to 7oz to try and make the night time wakings reduce but it's made no difference. IM not sure if up I shoukd up it again 8oz seems a lot for a young bsby (although he is a big boy - 8 11 at birth and 15 4 at 12 weeks)
Our EASY routine is something like this (still working on naps!)
6.30 wi
6.45 eat
7.15-7.30 sleep (1 1/2 hrs)
9.45 eat
11.00-11.15 sleep ( 45 mins)
12.45 eat
2.00 sleep (45 mins)
3.45 eat
4.45 sleep in pram on walk (1 hour)
6.30 bath
6.50 bottle and bed
Any advice greatly received as I'm new to all this only been doing BW for a couple of weeks!