Hi ladies, I'm hoping someone can help with advice for my 6mo who overnight has turned from happy and calm to grumpy and doesn't want to be put down! The main problem is bedtime - he has been in a routine from a couple of weeks old of bath, bottle and bed and has always gone down awake and Fallen asleep independently. Occasionally he would cry out for a bit after being put down but that usually meant he was still hungry so we would go back up and he would finish his bottle, no problem. In the past few days though he has been shouting a lot after being put down. We offer more milk but he doesn't take it. It seems developmental to me, almost like he Needs to shout for 15 minutes before falling asleep! He doesn't get distressed, it's more of a protest shout. I'm pretty sure his routine needs tweaking but I'm not sure where! I already have a 4YO so we're out and about in the day and the routine isn't always the same. Mostly it's this though:
WU anywhere between 5 and 6am
Feed 6am
Bed 7.30, asleep without fuss within 10 minutes
A 9-9.30
E 10am
S - I usually go out about 10.30 or 11 and he sleeps in the pram for maybe 40 minutes, he might have a second catnap after that on the way home
E 2
S usually have to cuddle him to sleep for the afternoon catnap around 3pm, never for more than 30 minutes
Start bath at 5.30 then bottle around 5.50 and in bed just after 6. Lately he has been shouting quite a lot at bedtime, which he's never done before, but eventually falls asleep on his own.
Does anything jump out to you about where we're going wrong? I just don't know if he's UT or OT at the moment but he's definitely grouchier than he used to be! We give Calpol for teeth when I think he needs it but I'm not sure that's the problem. Lately he has been waking at 4am and shouting then drifting back to sleep until about 5, when he shouts until I get him up.
Any advice appreciated!