Hi there
Small issue, as I know some people would probably kill for what we currently have... but would like to bounce off you the following please.
6 week old DS was for maybe 1-2 weeks sleeping 6.30/7pm - 2/2.30 am (about a 7-8 hour stretch, uninterrupted). This week Mon, Tue and Thu nights we have had a wake-up around the 10.30-11.30pm mark.
His EASY looks something like this until that feed started, although a bit variable to a point during the day because, well, you know, newborn and all
Also I don't write down the A and Y because I assume you know that's in there.
6 am WU & E
7.30 am S
9 am E
10-10.30 am S
12 pm E
1 pm S (usually his biggest sleep of around 3 hours)
3.30/4 pm E
6 pm bath and then E (bottle started before bath and finished before lights out)
7 pm S
2.30am E then S
The new added in feed (or re-added) occurs around the 11 pm mark.
I thought on the first night it happened that it might be because he didn't have a huge bottle before bed... made sense.
The second night it happened he had his vaccinations that day, so put it down to that
The third night it didn't happen, he woke around 1.30 am which is a little earlier than he had been, but nothing to worry about imo
Last night woke at 10.30 pm
I have fed him at each wake up because honestly, in particular the one last night, he was starving!!! I don't want to create a habit though.
6 week growth spurt maybe?
Too early to start a dream feed? (I have always thought around the 12 week mark was a better time to start a DF)
Any other ideas?
Don't want to reinforce a habit of a new WU, but also cognizant that he's only 6 weeks and he is a big boy (around 6.5kg or 14lb, all of that in length pretty much, takes after me in the height dept!!). Exclusively formula fed from birth due to my ineffective boobs
and tends to drink around 1000ml a day (which our midwife wasn't concerned about due to his large birth weight and the fact he is a big boy).
Thanks in advance!