Hello and welcome

For 8 weeks old he's doing really well. The DF is allowing him to sleep from 8.30 until 2(ish) am - that's over 5 hours! To have those other 2 feeds is totally normal at this age. If he wasn't having the DF he would wake about 11/11.30 for a feed anyway and then you would have to resettle as he would be awake. Can you get your partner to do the DF so you can have a longer stretch of sleep before the 2am feed?
Neither of mine took the DF so we fed when they woke. At 8 weeks that was about 11/12, then about 3 and then 6am. As they get bigger and can take more at a feed the 2am feed will gradually get later and they will be able to get to wake up time with the one nightfeed after the DF. Night feeds stop for the majority of babies around the 6 -8 months mark when they are established on solids. It's as much developmental as anything too, some are ready earlier, some later.
Remember that his tummy is about the size of his fist so it needs filling pretty regularly. He is also in a time of huge growth so he needs those calories around the clock, there is a big one coming up at 12 weeks/ 3 months and again at about 16 weeks/ 4 months.
If he is actually drinking in his sleep you are doing well, keep on with it.