Hi, I've got a 9 month old wee boy, who just won't sleep. He has a bath around 6pm, his bottle for 7 and sleeping for 7:30. He will go down in his cot fine then sleep until 12-1 o'clock then he has a really unsettled night. He could be up every half an hour, sitting up or even standing up, it's not as if he crys when he wakes though. He just needs settled back down and he will go back to sleep. We have managed to phase out his night feed (eventually) so we know he's not hungry.
We have tried moving his cot about incase he was getting cold from the window, but that hasn't worked. We have tried to keep him up a bit later, but that also hasn't worked. We've read all the information on the net about night routines, bath then bottle, get him to fall asleep on his own, etc. But we just don't know what else to do. Myself and my partner are very drained and starting to dread night time.
Now that he is walking, thought this might tire him out, but no such luck 😢
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Graeme 😴💤😴💤