Hi Lindsay
Sorry its taken me a while to respond, crazy last day or so.
His EASY looks mostly like this:
6 am E
7.30 am S
8.30 am A
9.00 am E
10.15 am S
11.30 am A
12 pm E
12.45 pm S
2.45 pm A
3 pm E
4.15 pm S
5.30 pm A and E
6.30 pm BT and top up of bottle
He used to be able to go 6.30 pm until around 3 am without waking (for a good 3 weeks or more), and then about 2 weeks ago starting waking for a feed around 10.30/11 pm. He still wakes at around 3/4 am for a feed after that new feed as well.
The above is fairly consistent with what he does, although sometimes it is different (some sleeps are longer or shorter... sometimes he is ravenously hungry after 2.5 hours, even when I try to stretch him out longer... sometimes he sleeps past 3 hours and does 3.5 hours during the day).
I wondered if he was going through a growth spurt too, as after the first 4-5 days of waking at 10.30pm, he stopped for a couple of days... then started back up again.
I'm concerned he might have gotten himself into a habit of waking for that feed during that growth-spurt a couple of weeks ago?!
When he feed around BT he used to have two bottles - first around 4.30 then another at BT around 6.15/6.30ish - he was kind of tanking/cluster feeding before the night time... he used to not have that last catnap though and he was super super gassy/windy so that kept him up instead of having that last catnap.
I wasn't thinking about moving him to 4 hours right now... more should I start moving him to 3.5 hours shortly to see if that makes a positive difference to that 10.30 pm wakeup?
I know we have it pretty good, two feeds in the night is pretty great for a 10 week old baby - but I am just confused about why we used to be able to go for like 9 hours in the night without a feed and now that's more like 4-6 hours. When he was doing 9 hours I was even contemplating starting up a dream feed a little early for his age to take him through to his morning get up time - and now look what's happened!