Author Topic: Nap extension for 7 week old  (Read 1584 times)

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Offline Anders45

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Nap extension for 7 week old
« on: June 13, 2016, 18:36:42 pm »
My LO takes 1/2 hour naps and I am having the hardest time extending them! After reading that section in the book I realized it was because our routine was off. I was following her cues. Because of her tongue tie, she wasn't getting enough when she was just born. So I did EAES instead I'd EAS. And it's just kinda stuck. So what will happen now is EAESES I feed her and change her bum then let her wiggle, then when she acts tired an hour ish later, I'll swaddle her, pat to sleep, put her in bed. Then she wakes almost instantly acting famished. So I feed her for ten minutes. She goes down for 30 minutes I feed another 15 and she's down for another 30 minutes... Supply issues have been ruled out by my ibclc. How can I fix this? Our schedule from today so far

6 WU/E
6.30 S
7 WU/E
7.20 diaper change, clothes etc.
8.15 swaddle sh pat
8.25 S
9.00 W/e
9.10 pat to sleep
9.30 W/e
9.55 diaper, swing, brother time
10.30 swaddle
10.50 s
11.10 w stayed awake while I put brothers down for nap
12.00 e

I do have her in a rock n play in our room, and she has two 18 mo toddler brothers. I have the option of a bassinet that swings and a pack n play for her bed if that needs to change.

 Oh and she sleeps great at night. Down by 8 DF at 11 NF at 4

Offline Bella89

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Re: Nap extension for 7 week old
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2016, 19:09:05 pm »
A quick question, did she have her tongue tie fixed yet? I didn't quite catch that.

Offline Anders45

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Re: Nap extension for 7 week old
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2016, 03:42:51 am »
Sort of. The doc took some out, but not enough, according to the ibclc. She pops of her suction quite a bit while eating. We are getting it reclipped next week.

Offline Bella89

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Re: Nap extension for 7 week old
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2016, 17:54:59 pm »
Sorry, I don't have much experience with tongue ties.

I will move your post to general EASY board as you asked more about the routine in general rather then naps. I think it will be much more helpful this way. Also, I will ask for some BF advice for you as well :)

From my experience, I would say stick with what's BF dula is advising you. She is there, seeing how she eats. It's the most important to get her the nutrition she needs. Anything you do, do it gradually. Wait with bigger changes till next week. You will know for sure she is capable to eat correctly.

On the other hand, she sleeps good at night, which means she can do 4h without a feed... That has me wondering...
I would try EASY rather than EAESY. Started with let's say 2.5h cycle. DO you think it is possible for her to do? What's your lactation specialist is saying?

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Re: Nap extension for 7 week old
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2016, 15:43:54 pm »
I think you'll find a huge difference once you get the tongue tie clipped and would continue as you are until then. My LO needed more frequent feeding before we got her tie clipped as it's harder to feed and they get tired. Since getting it clipped she has fed much better. That being said we still feed every 2/2.5 hours at 11 weeks. Difficult with siblings around!!

Offline jessmum46

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Re: Nap extension for 7 week old
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2016, 18:26:37 pm »
^^^agree with this, I think I would see how things go and if feeds settle a little more with the tie clipped :)  EASY is fab with siblings, being a routine not a schedule, but sometimes it just has to go a little more 'loosely' ;) to ensure that the needs of the whole family can be met :)  It's still very early days, if you're getting everyone fed and dressed you are onto a winner!!