We've been getting increasing problems with our DD1 since DS2 popped into the world in April. My husband has been bringing her to bed for over a year now and i was starting to notice problems before the birth. She was fantastic for me - i'd used easy since she was a few months old. If i told her it was lights out and go to sleep, this happened without fussing.
The current situation:
Midday nap 12.30/1pm-2pm
Wind-down ritual: teeth brushing, milk, stories.
About 5 mins after turning off the light she comes into the lounge saying she can't sleep, and this repeats itself over and over again, she gets another story from my husband, then she needs the potty, and before we know it, it's 9.15pm with an overtired todder.
I know she's been testing him and its just getting worse since DS2 (2 months old) and i think all my hard work is coming undone!
Please can anyone help before it gets even worse!!??
Kat x