My little boy is generally a good sleeper but recently has started waking quite early (before 6am) and so I just wanted to check our routine was OK. We have been following EASY since he was about 4 months old but it is quite hard now he is at nursery. TYpically his day looks like:
Awake: 5.45
E: 7am
Then play time
S: 10.30 - 12.30
E: 1.00
More play time/walk etc & snacks about 3pm
Play time, bath bed and wind down
S: by 7pm
He sometimes has an afternoon nap at about 4pm but only if we are in the car really. I am wondering if his afternoon A time is too long - is that why he is waking earlier? He is normally rubbing eye/yawning by 10am.
Thanks in advance