Quick Q, my LO has been doing well this week and generally after the DF at 11 going until 5am. She will then babble loudly to herself and fuss a little On and off for as long as 1.5 hours until eventually falling back asleep (by herself, no intervention needed) around 6.30! Should I then be waking her at 7am to get the day started or 7.30? When she used to feed around this time id let her sleep til 7.30 because when she was younger I knew that her A time wouldn't be very long but now that she's older I'm thinking she should be up at 7 despite the half an hour of sleep before she gets up because her A time is now comfortably 1.5 hours. Having said that she is NOT a good napper (30min) so I always feel awful waking her in the morning. Help!!