Goodness, my apologies in the delay! We had family come into town.
It's funny, the night I wrote this it hit me, "he doesn't have a watch, so he has no idea if it's 12A or 3A, so that's not fair"
I wound up putting a mattress in his room and putting a "cap" on his nursing time at 2 mins/side. He wound up only waking up 2x during the night while I was in there.
Now that I'm out, he's back to like 4-5x a night.
The water was a great tip, he still won't take it straight away, but will if I stop before he wants to be done nursing. But I'm at the point where I feel I need to tell him milkies have gone night night, too.
However, he completely puts himself to bed at naps AND bedtime (which is amazing), but still wakes up at the 40-45 min mark at naps, and sometimes every 2 hours at night. I for sure know at night is a habit because since I've been out of his room he wakes up w/in 30 mins of: 10:30, 12:00, 2:00. 4:30, 6:00. While I was in his room it was 12:00 and 4:30
We have key words for him to lay down, and he knows them and is usually a very good listener.
So here is a routine of what we have been trying to adhere to.
6:30-Wake (my husband gets him)
7:00-Wake up mommy/nurse
7:15-Independent play
7:30-Wave bye bye to daddy
7:45 Walk/Run/Outside time
8:45-Playtime (quiet, wind down)
10:15 or 10:45 (this is where I'm confused)- Wake and nurse
11:30 or 11:45-Lunch
12:30: Errands or playdate, or play time
1:15 or 1:45-Nap
2:15 or 2:45-Wake up nurse or snack
3:00-Playtime, read books, sing songs, etc
4:30-Make dinner
5:45-Family walk
6:15-Low light and soothing activity
6:30 Story time and nurse
7:00 Asleep
He LOVES being around other children, and being outside so we try and do a good bit of that.
His naps need boundaries and fixing, and his night wake ups need to be addressed.
Question about naps: I know Hogg says in her book about 1.5 hours for naps, but I know a lot of other sources say a minimum of an hour. So when he wakes up at that 45 min mark, do we do chair method until an hour, or 1.5 hours? So far he won't settle. He just points to door and cries to go out. He is having 2 naps a day, still, and I feel he needs them.
He pretty much never wakes up happy, which makes my heart sad. So I know we need to make some changes.
He nearly always wakes up at 6:00, especially if he has a 4:30A waking, but sometimes will do 6:30 if he has a 5A waking.
And then if I do the chair or PUPD method until the "appropriate" wake time, and he's still crying, is he still just learning that if he cries long enough he gets what he wants (to get up and go play)?
Does he still need trust building? He very rarely protests when I leave anymore. And if he does, I go in straight away. But just the fact that he wakes up crying hard in the middle of the night, and SCREAMMMSSS if I don't wake up right away. Naps, I feel the crying is a cry for more sleep.
Thanks so much for your help