My son dropped it at 26 months. He is super fan of the garbage truck in the street so we used to keep telling him we would one day give the dummy away to the men on the truck and they would give him a big toy!
One day it was him who heard the garbage truck out in the street and shouted to give it the dummy
So I thought, " do it now"
We did like if we were throwing it away and the the men gave him a big garbage truck toy!
He was so happy.... Until naptime and bedtime arrived. He cried for 30 min each time wanting his dummy he even said he was going to give the toy back...but I said we couldnt do that.... It was hard for me not to give it back but I had to stay strong!!!!
He only cried does two times the first day, and the second day he didnt even ask for the dummy, and never again...