Hi! I was hoping I wouldn't have to post on here ever again but here I am....
My little guy just turned 2 last week. He was always been an awesome independent sleeper. We would just lay him right down and walk out he put himself to sleep easily. His schedule would be from 8pm-8am and a nap from 1-3pm.
Well, we recently took a family trip for 2 weeks and it totally wrecked him:( We finally have him back on our time zone but there are so many other issues going on. He won't let us put him down in his crib. He has to be rocked, held, or laid with in a bed to fall asleep. Then he wakes multiple times per night calling for me so I sleep in a bed with him where he wakes constantly if he's not touching me. It will take 1-2 hours to get him to nap and to bed EVERYDAY. We are now going on 3 weeks of this. I'm sensing he lost his security while traveling and became scared. He also has been in an over tired state so was waking at 4am and 4:30pm.
I'm wondering if he is done with his crib but I don't want to introduce too many changes too quickly.
Any ideas on how to approach this and get him back to sleeping independently and not screaming all day and night? I thought once we were back in his home he would revert back:(