I'm sorry you've not had any replies yet. Let's see if we can help...
There could be a couple of things going on for your DD. Although the developmental leaps/wonder weeks of baby-hood have finished, developmental leaps & disruption to routines around birthdays and half birthdays are common in toddlers..so it could be that.
I have found with my DS that the birthday & half birthday leaps also coincided with nap transitions. He completed 2-1 at 18mo, started 1-0 at 2.5yrs. So she could be starting the transition to 1 nap. Would you post her routine with timings? And have a look at this link:
The 1-0 transition...Advice and Tips to help you through.The other thing I would add is that if she won't settle to sleep, I'd suggest using walk in-walk out WI/WO as an alternative to CIO and a good halfway house between that and snuggling her to sleep or sleeping in her room. It's gentler than CIO & less likely to develop dependency than snuggling her to sleep & a good option if she was previously settling to sleep independently. More info here:
Toddlers: Walk In/Walk Out vs. The Gradual Withdrawal Method (HOW TO CHOOSE)The other thing we do with my DS if he won't sleep and keeps coming out his room is we stop talking except to say "bedtime, good night" & just keep putting him back to his bed, again and again if necessary until he eventually realises there's no fun to be had staying up and goes to sleep.
Hope things improve soon & pls come back if you want to chat anything through more