Posting on behalf of spughe - text below copied and pasted
hi there
I'm really hoping you can help us. My 10 month little girl has a beautiful temprament and is super contented and happy (except when she is hungry or tired). She sleeps through the night consistently, so we are extremely lucky. The only problem is that she can't put herself to sleep anymore. I can't get her to lie down to go to sleep; she constantly sits or stands up and cries when I lie her down. I was trying the pu/pd method for over 8 month olds, lying her every time she pulls or stands up, for the last two nights and nap time this morning. Each time it's taken 2 hours to get her to sleep. I can see she's exhausted because she shows clear signs of tiredness and most of the crying is frustration at not sleeping, I think. I just can't see how different this is to crying it out. Nothing I do seems to calm her (holding her does only a bit), even though the method says you should be able to with your voice by now. And if I touch her she pushes my hand away.
I know you're meant to give this time to work, but I can't see that anything I'm doing will have an effect, when, in effect, she's just crying until she can't keep her eyes open anymore. And two hours a time seems extreme, especially for such a happy little girl. This morning it was two hours with no result in the end. Also, both nights she's woken and wailed about 3-4 times in the middle of the night, which she never does usually, as well as doing this a few times just after she's gone to sleep. She also seems less happy today and seems to be developing a fear of her bedroom! I think I am too!!
In her pushchair she won't lie down now either and is restless in her car seat too.
Any advice you could give would be great.
Sophie (spughe)