Sounds like she isn't quite interested in the all the new textures and flavors....yet. Plus, swallowing food compared to swallowing liquid is such a different experience. Some LOs jump right in and others kind of step back and analyze and are overly cautious. What is her personality like about other things? New people? Trying new skills? Also, sometimes experiencing foods is a new sensory experience and some LOs don't like the feeling and the sensation or have trouble swallowing. If it were me, I'd probably allow her to manipulate and play with foods on a high chair tray so she can feel them, mash them, gum them, pinch them, etc. and get used to how they feel. Then if she decides to try something....that's great. If not, at least it's not foreign. Especially if it is food she has seen you eat. A puree may look different than what she sees mommy eat.
A friend of mine, her son didn't want to eat as a baby and she worried over him until a OT friend of hers asked how he did with crunchy/harder type foods like crackers and she hadn't ever tried that type of food because he was a baby and she thought it needed to be soft, gummy, mushy, etc. She gave him a different texture and he liked it! Then she worked on incorporating other foods slowly and he did great!
As creations mentioned, she's getting enough nutrients from your milk. Food before 1 is only for fun! For fun and practice mostly.
My DS couldn't handle foods right away with his reflux and it was slow going for us for awhile. And DD2, though she ate foods readily, still breastfed overnight for a long time. Probably until about 10 months and now only occasionally for comfort and not food any longer.
You are right. They are all different! She'll get there, in her own time!