What is GW?
She was falling asleep on own. I would rock till almost asleep and then put her down and she would wake a little and roll over and fall asleep and stay asleep. Or i would stand at crib till fell she started closing eyes and then leave and she would fall asleep and stay asleep.
but now she just keeps waking up and won't fall asleep on own. I don't know if its sep anxiety or what.
EASY is kind of all over the place these past 3 weeks. She started not taking her normal 2/2.5 hr naps so i figured she need an A time increase. Did that and some days the naps are 2 hours and others 1 hour. She is teething right now too. Plus since she isn't getting her normal 12 hours at night I have felt she was tired faster to would lessen the A time, which hasn't worked in my favor yet. It seems if I lower A time or extend it to normal the naps are not consistent. When she naps only an hour i will then do another cat nap. Im just at a loss at what to do with her!

(finally fell asleep at 1030 night before)
wu -730
S - 1130 - 1230 (had symptoms of a cold so put down early) - no symptoms today so guessing it was teeth
CN - 4 - 445
bedtime - fell asleep at 8 - up every 20-30 min till 1230
Wu- 8
S - 1210 - 145