Author Topic: 5 mon old resisting 3rd nap (4hr easy)  (Read 1653 times)

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5 mon old resisting 3rd nap (4hr easy)
« on: August 26, 2016, 15:41:19 pm »
Hi! my DD2 is almost 5.5 months on 4 hr EASY and since she was 5 mon, she really fights the last nap of the day. Yesterday was THE WORST, I ended up giving up 40 min into trying to get her to sleep and tried putting her to bed early instead, but it TANKED bc she is use to going to sleep around 8:30pm. Took me over an hour to get her to sleep at night bc of her over tiredness. I should mention she is rolling over like crazy. Also she typically goes to bed very easily with a soother.

Here's our typical day:

8 am wake up
10:25ish Sleep
12pm wake up (sometimes longer or shorter depending)
2:30pm sleep
4pm wake up
6:30 sleep (usually was ok with it, but recently REALLY fighting it)
8:45 to sleep for the night
11 DF
4 or 5 or 6 am feed, sleep til 8amish

TODAY: she went to nap around the 3 hour mark for her morning nap! So i'm thinking maybe she is ready for a 2 nap day????


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Re: 5 mon old resisting 3rd nap (4hr easy)
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2016, 20:55:51 pm »
Hi Welcome to BW forums :)

I think your hunch about moving to 2 naps now sounds right for your LO :)

In your EASY for that morning nap you've put "sometimes longer or shorter depending" but it sounds like there is no fight for the nap.  You could move directly to a first A time of 3hrs like you did today and that could result in the first nap always being longer rather than shorter.  If she seems tired though or if she ends up doing an OT nap (waking at say 20 mins and needs resettling to sleep longer) then you can move to 2hr 45 for that first A time for a few days before increasing again but keep in mind that the transition to 2 naps can be trickier if the A times are shorter than 3hrs across the day.

I would suggest moving to 2hr 45 for the second and third A times too and then doing EBT (early bed time).  Often when LOs drop a nap they will do a longer night for a while, needing the EBT to help with the additional tiredness.  Your LO might like a longer A time before bed, some do, so if 2hr 45 A results in refusal or resistance you could try a touch longer, 2hr 50 or 3hrs.

Your day might look something like this:
WU 8
A 3hr
S 11 - 12.30
A 2hr 45
S 3.15 - 4.45
A 2hr 45
BT 7.30

What do you think?

Offline eeleahc

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Re: 5 mon old resisting 3rd nap (4hr easy)
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2016, 00:56:35 am »
Thanks for the reply! I value this site so much!!

This is what today looked like: (I tried to not watch clock as much as watch for sleep signals)

8:10 am WU
11-12:55 (basically 2 hours) nap 1
she didn't show tired signs until *4:00 pm*, took me 10 min to settle her and she slept 4:10-4:50 (not great) nap 2
I "tanked up" 20 min before bedtime so she has time to eat etc. so when she is done feeding, its close to 3 hours. So she was drowsy feeding at 7:50pm... BUT when I put her down in bed at 8pm, she fought me for 20 min!!! lifting her head trying to roll over, crying etc. I know she is tired bc she was awake 3 hours... but she still seemed to fight me. She just fell asleep around 8:30! (which in her biological clock, has been bedtime for the past 2 months). I know Tracy says don't fight them when they arch in your arms etc. but I literally had to hold her to try to calm her down.

One of my concerns with 3 hour A times, is that she ends up missing a feed. (without the last cat nap, I usually would feed her after she woke up, and then tank her up for bedtime too). Should I be concerned with this? it's definitely a light feed anyways, but still would be missing those calories from that feed. Also, with a 3 hour A time, and then she pulls a 2 hour nap... that's 5 hours between feeds (she's not on solids yet).. should I be concerned with that also?


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Re: 5 mon old resisting 3rd nap (4hr easy)
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2016, 07:05:36 am »
Not a bad day considering you got through on 2 naps :)

A couple of options in terms of sleep times:
- you could cap nap 1 at 1.5hrs, this helps to keep feed times a bit shorter and also makes her a bit more tired for nap 2 (after a 2hr nap she might need longer than she got before that second nap to make sure it's a good one)
- you could leave nap 1 long at 2hrs, and leave the second A at 3hrs too, try a W2S on nap 2 to get more like an hour or 1.5 hour nap length, there's a chance she will just settle into the routine after a few days.  If after a few days she doesn't settle for a longer nap 2 you could possibly increase that second A time by another 10 mins to help her get a better nap.  This makes the A very long for age but some LOs prefer that.
- go for BT earlier than you did.  I know it may look like UT for the night sleep based on either the A time or her usual BT but it may also be some OT causing that BT fighting, 3hr A time is pretty long after just a 40 min nap.  I'd try for 2hr 45.

How did the night go?

A bit of experimentation can help to find the best routine for her but equally I don't suggest chopping and changing a lot because consistency also helps to establish a good routine.

With the E times.  LOs know when they need to eat, she knows she is fed when she wakes after a long nap so really I would say it's fine if one of the feeds goes longer than a normal 4hrs due to the first nap being longer.
You can put in an additional E before naps 1 or 2 if you like, something like this:
WU 8
E 8am
E optional top up 9am/10am
A 3hr
S 11 - 1pm
E 1pm
E optional top up 2pm/3pm
A 3hr
S 4 - 5.30pm
E 5.30
A 2hr 45/3
E your usual routine for tanking up or BT E
BT 8/8.30

The top up options I've put in (you likely don't need both but I've shown them where you can put in an extra E) might appear to be a bit random on the timing but in another few weeks or month you will be introducing solids which will come an hour after milk so the times are going to be similar to those I've put in for the optional top up. At this point of course it's milk only, but later you can put a little solids in at those times.
When I started my DS on solids it felt like I fed him all day long, milk, solids, milk, solids and it can feel a bit like snacking which we are all keen to avoid...your LO doesn't snack and is unlikely to as you have a good routine in place. A top up is fine and many people put one in when a routine results in too long a time between E. If you try one and it results in feeding to sleep because LO just can't stay awake you can tweak the times to avoid that becoming a habit.

What do you think?

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Re: 5 mon old resisting 3rd nap (4hr easy)
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2016, 17:51:45 pm »
so helpful!

she slept through the night last nite!!! first time since she did once around the 10 week mark. WOOT!!

so far today:

8:20 WU & E
11:00 E - top up like u said, just one side ( i feed both sides every feed normally)
11:30 - 1:15 sleep

I'll try moving bedtime up a bit, especially if her second nap today isn't great.

She never fought bedtime! So hopefully it doesn't last.

I'll post an update later!

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Re: 5 mon old resisting 3rd nap (4hr easy)
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2016, 19:00:31 pm »
Great to hear you had a good night and so far a good day too.  Hope the rest of the day went well for you.
Looks like these times are something to stick with for a few days.

let me know how you get on

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Re: 5 mon old resisting 3rd nap (4hr easy)
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2016, 01:00:38 am »
so she fell asleep around 4:20ish and slept til 5:55 (I woke her up as we had a dinner engagement). Then I just put her to bed with little fuss at 8:40ish (she probably actually fell asleep close to 8:50). So I'll stick with this for a few days!! Thank u so much for your feedback and help! If I run into any problems, I'll post back onto this thread.  :-*

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Re: 5 mon old resisting 3rd nap (4hr easy)
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2016, 07:11:12 am »
That's great news. Brilliant day!
There may be some less-good days, there usually are around routine changes, but so far you're doing great and it seems like you really are on the right track.  Good luck :)