Author Topic: How to transition between activity and sleep?  (Read 1266 times)

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How to transition between activity and sleep?
« on: August 31, 2016, 17:28:04 pm »
Hi all! I'm having issues transitioning my 5-week-old between activity and sleep. Some of the time she's super sleepy after feeds and I put her right back down - no use in forcing her to stay awake. However, when she is awake after feeds, we have some activity time - talking, making faces, etc. Reliably, after about 15 minutes of this, she starts fussing/crying. I figure she's done, and start swaddling her up to go down for a nap - but at that point it becomes a complete crapshoot. She'll stay fussing/crying in my arms despite calming techniques. I put her down in her bassinet and that usually calms her down - to she point where she's not crying - but she stays awake and jerking her body. I eventually pick her up again, sometimes she'll calm down and sometimes she starts crying again... it's a cycle. Eventually she'll wear herself out and pass out (but it's not very restorative sleep), or go on long enough to get hungry again and then she'll fall asleep after the next feeding.

Basically, this unsettled fussing and difficulty napping happens after every "activity" period to varying degrees. I feel like I'm just floundering around trying this and that to calm her, and missing her cues. Unfortunately she doesn't follow the nice pattern of playing until she gets sleepy and yawns/rubs her eyes then seamlessly goes to sleep. Is she overstimulated/too tired? Not tired enough? Or is she in some sort of physical discomfort?

Let me know if any of you have experienced this and how you are able to get your LO from activity to sleep - also if, like mine, your baby has times where she's unhappy when held but also unsettled when put down. I know 5 weeks is still early days, and things will change - I just want to know if this is just "how it is" or if I'm doing something wrong or missing something important. Thanks!!

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: How to transition between activity and sleep?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2016, 19:53:21 pm »
Hello and welcome to the Baby Whisperer site  :)

Your baby sounds very similar to how my DS was when he was a baby...he would go from happily playing to screaming with no tired signs in between then take ages to settle for sleep..and only sleep 30 mins! I used to get so frustrated that he didn't do what the book said he should!

The ladies on this site helped me a lot.. I began to understand that he was both over stimulated and getting overtired (he is a touchy/spirited type so prone to getting easily both OT and OS)

Things that helped us:

Being aware of average A times: Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!
At 5wks it's only about an hour, which includes time to feed, change and resettle to sleep often little time for much else before the next nap is due! My DS didn't show obvious tired signs, so I tended to watch the clock quite a bit and after he'd been awake about 40-45mins (at this age) start getting him ready for his nap.

Pacing activity and wind down: your games and activities sound fun but at this age actually just being awake can be stimulation enough for little ones.  My DS couldn't cope with much more than feed, nappy change and then some quiet wind down activities.  He neeeed quite a long wind down before his nap and time to get to sleep counts as part of the full A time (usually around 15mins or so)
Here's a useful link about wind down for naps:
What does a good wind down consist of (Includes 4S ritual)

Also - there is a developmental leap around 5wks...newborn sleepiness wears off and babies become more alert and aware of their surroundings ..but also more easily OS.  Not much you can do..but understand it's not always down to what we do as parents but also what is going on for our babies developmentally...and wait for it to pass.

I hope that helps, please come back if you want to chat through anything more
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD