I know this is accidental parenting, it started while we were on a month-long trip and he became very upset during naps there, so I started to stroke his hair to soothe him. Now, 2 months later, he doesn't want to go to sleep without it. He may be dozing off, but still demands my hand. I know I need to start doing gradual withdrawal, but I don't quite know how to do it - I've tried to pat him less, but then he gets upset. I've tried to get him to pat himselt, hehe, but he's no fool.
After GW, we'd like to start WI/WO, because otherwise he seems ready.
He started daycare last week - 3 halfdays a week (3.5 hrs). He is coping very well and seems to like it, but is so overstimulated when he gets back that his naps are short on daycare days (45 min). And he has started to wake up early (used to be 7:45, today it was 6:45). So perhaps GW is not my main concern now that he has so much new going on in his life?
I see I have actually asked two questions under one, but if any of you have some good tips for either of them, it would be much appreciated.