Author Topic: 13 month old, i really need your help  (Read 1059 times)

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13 month old, i really need your help
« on: September 06, 2016, 15:10:59 pm »
Hi everyone

I really hope someone can help me with my  13 month old daughter;
She has never really slept the night but it’s been going on so long now I’ve lost all confidence in what I’m doing so need some guidance!!

She was EBF for 6 months, obviously is fully weaned now and is a great grubber also drinks plenty of water (wont take a bottle)
She still wakes between 2-3 times a night and up for the day at 530am (sometimes 5am).

When she wakes we are cuddling her/shh pat her back to sleep, can sometimes take 40 minutes each time.
She is fully  nightweaned for the last 2 months but ive slipped back into feeding her at 5am trying to get an extra hour but doesn’t usually work!

Please see her schedule below and see can you help :

Wake-up: 530am (sometimes 5am) BF
E:  8am breakie
S: 9.40-10am quick nap in car on way home from school run
E: 1130/1145pm Lunch
S: 12/1215 nap until 1;45pm (school run at 2pm )
E: 5:00 Dinner
S: 630/7pm depending on what time she woke

Im aware that her day at the minute is very long but I work and its physically impossible to get her to bed any earlier on 3 days of the week as im working.

Can someone help me? Im due to go away with work for 2 weeks soon and to say im extremely anxious is an understatement . she has all 4 of her molars now and is not currently teething  ;D

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: 13 month old, i really need your help
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2016, 20:09:10 pm »
Sorry you feel so anxious..which part of her day/night is causing you so much worry about going away?

I think her day looks pretty typical for this stage of the 2-1.. The 2 naps give EW and a long day but LO isn't ready for only 1 DD is close in age and doing a very similar day.

But the question is whether her NWs could be either UT...or habit...or developmental.  How is she when she wakes- happy and wanting to play or upset?

If your 5am feed isn't resettling her, I'd just stop offering it. I try to have a no feed before 6am rule. I sometimes have send DH in for the EW though as then there is no BF option (& I get to stay in bed -bonus :))
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

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