Author Topic: Remind me what happens with milk/snacks after 12mo  (Read 1704 times)

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Offline Scottishmummy

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Remind me what happens with milk/snacks after 12mo
« on: September 25, 2016, 18:35:13 pm »
DD will turn 1 next week  :o

At the moment I still BF her when she wakes and at the end of the day (but not to sleep :-) ) and she has formula in a cup mid-morning as well as mid-afternoon. She also has a good appetite for 3 full meals.

I know milk intake changes after 12mo but can't remember what I did with DS..
I thought I would stop BF at 1 but DD still wants it when she wakes for the day and I like doing it in the evening, especially now I'm back to work and it's a cuddle and reconnection when I get in so continuing with that but not sure what to do about daytime I just drop it and replace with a food snack & water?
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD

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Re: Remind me what happens with milk/snacks after 12mo
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2016, 18:58:21 pm »
Yes :)
I would just keep the same times but switch from milk to a snack with water or if you want you can still give a drink of milk in a sippy with the snack.
Most people keep the WU and BT milk a while. We dropped the BT one at 12 months but it was mainly that I needed to switch our routine so that teeth were brushed after milk.
But keeping a mid morning or even lunch time milk in a cup is fine too if she likes it. Schools offer milk mid morning or at lunch time so if she's in the habit of having a milk at one of those times it could continue for years yk?

Offline Scottishmummy

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Re: Remind me what happens with milk/snacks after 12mo
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2016, 12:54:04 pm »
Thank you, that makes sense. It felt odd to do milk one day and then suddenly stop the next
"Touchy/Spirited" DS

"Textbook" DD