Hello! I'm quite new to the baby whisperer sleeping plans, just read the book last Saturday and started fully sleep training yesterday. My LO is 14 weeks and had a miserable first 6 weeks battling severe reflux as a result of a cow milk protein allergy. That whole time she didn't sleep at night at all and had naps on me in the day. Now that her symptoms are controlled I'm desperate to help her get more rest.
We have been using a 90 minute nap plan (putting her down after every 90 minutes of activity regardless of nap length) but she only ever sleeps for 45 minutes. By the end of the day she is exhausted and difficult to settle for afternoon naps and bedtime. After lunch I had never been able too get her to sleep without feeding her even when she had only just fed. We therefore usually try to make sure she gets at least 4 or 5 naps. Shes always very smiley and happy when she wakes up which also makes it hard to know how to extend the naps- do you shush a content baby? I don't rush in when she wakes, usually leave her a couple of mins but I'm reluctant to leave her for long periods awake in her cot or she would spend a lot of her awake time bored and rarely falls back to sleep.
Nights are difficult, it takes usually 2hrs for her to fall asleep after her bedtime which is usually around 7.30_8.30. Tried moving it earlier but she just treated it like a nap and woke after 45 mins! Also tried missing later nap and that led to her staying awake until 11pm in consolable. She tends to have one long 3 hr sleep followed by several short 1 hour sleeps in the night.
Trying to implement EASY is tough when they persistently only sleep 45 mins. So I am doing PU PD and although it took hours it did eventually get her to sleep. She hated the shush pat. I just can't work out how to extend these naps; I really feel they are the key and that if she were less OT she would sleep better at night. Spent most of yesterday trying yo extend naps and put to sleep and no success with naps. She just can't go back to sleep after the wakes up. When I tried wake to sleep at 30 mins she woke up immediately and couldn't go back to sleep.
Any suggestions for all of this very welcome. She only manages 10 to 12 hrs sleep each 24 hrs and its clearly not enough.
Her average day looks like_
WU 7.30
E 7.45
A 8.15
S 9- 9.45
EE 10am
A 10.20
SS 11.30-12.45
E 12.45
A 1pm
S. 2.15pm - 3pm
A 3.15
S 5.15pm - 6pm(always takes longer to settle)
E 6.15
A- book, bathtime, bed
S- in bed at 7.30 not asleep until 9pm and very cranky!